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Adding linting to a code project, with tools like Detekt for Kotlin, is crucial for ensuring consistent coding styles, improving code quality, and catching potential bugs early in the development process. Linting promotes collaboration within development teams by enforcing uniform coding conventions, enhancing code readability, and automating the identification of common issues during code reviews. Detekt, being Kotlin-specific, allows for customizable rules tailored to a project's needs, ensuring adherence to best practices and Kotlin-specific coding conventions. This leads to increased productivity, seamless integration into CI/CD pipelines, and ultimately results in more maintainable and reliable Kotlin projects.

🚧 Plan is to set up a detekt (done) and ktlint (todo) integration with gradle.


Linting is currently set up with detekt. The configuration is located in detekt.yml.

Current issue is the set up of a convention plugin that can be applied to all modules. The current solution is to apply the plugin to the root project and run it on all files in the project. This is not ideal as it will run on all files in the project, including the build files. Therefor an exclusion for the build folder was added. Also detekt doesn't run with type resolution, which means that it can't find deeper issues related to the codebase. Have another go at it when detekt 2.0 is released. This should then have official support for type resolution.

Updating detekt

  1. Update detekt in libs.versions.toml
  2. Delete detekt.yml in the root project
  3. Run ./gradlew detektGenerateConfig in the root project
  4. Check the git diff for changes of the default detekt config

More information about updating detekt can be found in the blog post: Recipe: diff your detekt config with the default one.


Detekt has a plugin system to extend detekt with additional rulesets. The following plugins are currently used: