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Gradle Version Catalog

The Gradle version catalog is a feature that lets you centralize the dependencies of your project in a single place. This can improve readability and maintainability of build scripts by reducing duplication of dependency coordinates.

Dependency Updates

There is a custom Gradle plugin in place to identify new versions of dependencies, update them, and format the version catalog. This plugin extends and configures two Gradle plugins:


These plugins provide multiple convenient tasks:


To only format the version catalog file, use:

./gradlew versionCatalogFormat

Interactive Update

To create a libs.versions.updates.toml file with the available versions of the dependencies, use:

./gradlew versionCatalogUpdate --interactive

Apply the changes to the version catalog file with:

./gradlew versionCatalogApplyUpdate

Direct Update

To directly update all dependencies in the version catalog file, use:

./gradlew versionCatalogUpdate

These tasks make it easy to maintain and update the version catalog, ensuring your dependencies are always up to date.