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Run your application


This documentation is a copy of the Jetpack Compose Multiplatform documentation.

On Android

To run your application on an Android emulator:

  1. Ensure you have an Android virtual device available. Otherwise, create one.
  2. In the list of run configurations, select androidApp.
  3. Choose your virtual device and click Run.
Alternatively, use Gradle

To install an Android application on a real Android device or an emulator, run ./gradlew installDebug in the terminal.

On iOS

Running on a simulator

To run your application on an iOS simulator in Android Studio, modify the iosApp run configuration:

  1. In the list of run configurations, select Edit Configurations.
  2. Navigate to iOS Application | iosApp.
  3. In the Execution target list, select your target device. Click OK:
  4. The iosApp run configuration is now available. Click Run next to your virtual device.

Running on a real device

You can run your Compose Multiplatform application on a real iOS device for free. To do so, you'll need the following:

  • The TEAM_ID associated with your Apple ID
  • The iOS device registered in Xcode

Note Before you continue, we suggest creating a simple "Hello, world!" project in Xcode to ensure you can successfully run apps on your device. You can follow the instructions below or watch this Stanford CS193P lecture recording.

How to create and run a simple project in Xcode

  1. On the Xcode welcome screen, select Create a new project in Xcode.
  2. On the iOS tab, choose the App template. Click Next.
  3. Specify the product name and keep other settings default. Click Next.
  4. Select where to store the project on your computer and click Create. You'll see an app that displays "Hello, world!" on the device screen.
  5. At the top of your Xcode screen, click on the device name near the Run button.
  6. Plug your device into the computer. You'll see this device in the list of run options.
  7. Choose your device and click Run.

Finding your Team ID

In the terminal, run kdoctor --team-ids to find your Team ID. KDoctor will list all Team IDs currently configured on your system, for example:

3ABC246XYZ (Max Sample)
ZABCW6SXYZ (SampleTech Inc.)

Alternative way to find your Team ID

If KDoctor doesn't work for you, try this alternative method:

  1. In Android Studio, run the iosApp configuration with the selected real device. The build should fail.
  2. Go to Xcode and select Open a project or file.
  3. Navigate to the iosApp/iosApp.xcworkspace file of your project.
  4. In the left-hand menu, select iosApp.
  5. Navigate to Signing & Capabilities.
  6. In the Team list, select your team.

Set up your Team ID

If you haven't set up your team yet, use the Add account option and follow the steps.

To run the application, set the TEAM_ID:

  1. In the template, navigate to the iosApp/Configuration/Config.xcconfig file.
  2. Set your TEAM_ID.
  3. Re-open the project in Android Studio. It should show the registered iOS device in the iosApp run configuration.